Wednesday, August 24, 2011

{A Wednesday Recap}

I'm trying to get better at capturing the everyday moments that occur in my life.
So here's to yesterday, and the small beauties I found in a normally mundane hump-day :)

I get to go home for lunch every day (to save money + I love listening to music and driving to relax on my break). The girlies had a half day, so I got to hang with them for a bit...

This is Kara (I've mentioned her before)... one of my best friends that I hope will be in my life for a very long time. We sit next to each other at Infusionsoft, which makes work even more fun than it already is...

Lastly, another one of my dearest friends, Kelsey, and I got the chance to catch up over dinner last night. This girl makes me laugh harder than anyone I know! She seriously is the most genuine, kind, hilarious fashionista ever, and I was so happy we got to hang out before she heads back up to BYU this weekend.

PS... please excuse my gross hobo hair, I'm too lazy (not to mention too hot - as in, it's 118 degrees outside) to do anything more than pull it off my face these days. I'll be better, promise ;)


Kelsey Farr said...

chels!! i am so glad we got to catch up on our lives. you are the cutest girl and your photography skills are simply amazing. i love you! long live chelskels hahaha (the best facebook person ever)

LaNae said...

Where did you guys go--it looks yummy! Great pics!

Vickie said...

On you - hobo hair looks great!