Thursday, January 5, 2012

{A New Art Form}

It's back to the grind for most of us, as the holidays are over, and I'm back in Rexburg...

However, I wanted to share some beauty with you for the weekend...
Photographer Jamie Beck and her partner/fiance/graphic artist Kevin Burg have taken GIFs to a whole new level; these works of art, coined "cinemagraphs," are so alluring and awe-inspiring -- you literally can't look away. As published on this site,
A Cinemagraph is an image that contains within itself a living moment that allows a glimpse of time to be experienced and preserved endlessly."
If you want to learn more, or see more, you can stalk my favorite new blog From Me To You (by Beck). I'm obsessed with her style and talent, and can't get enough of these fascinating cinemagraphs!

Also, just for fun... this is Beck promoting the annual Ralph Lauren Tweed Run in NYC, which is now on my bucket list, go figure. But isn't she just lovely??

Jamie Beck for the Rugby Ralph Lauren Tweed Run from RugbyRalphLauren on Vimeo.

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