Tuesday, June 28, 2011

{A Celebration of Love}

A couple weekends ago, my Grammy and Grampy celebrated their 50th year wedding anniversary. I can't tell you how blessed I am to be a part of the wonderful family they've created together.

She was a city girl, and he was a country boy... and they loved to dance.
Doesn't it just melt your heart??

A few of my favorite snapshots from the celebratory event:

I aspire to have a love as long and lovely as theirs...


Mom Roberts said...

Oh my gosh! I love the pictures of Grammy and Grampy smiling...Especially Grampy laughing. Priceless!

Jenna said...

That's exactly what I want when we reach our 50th anniversary -- a big party with all my kids, grand-kids and great-grandkids! And of course, LOTS of desserts. :)

jamiebarazoto said...

LOVE that last picture!

LaNae said...

Great pictures--and a great night!